Can Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss. Also, tar products can be effective, but they can stain fabric and gray hair. When psoriasis develops on the scalp, hair loss sometimes follows.

Scalp psoriasis is not the only skin condition that may cause hair loss.
The psoriasis (which stresses the skin that supports hair growth) may cause patchy hair loss and make the genetic thinning worse, but usually doesn't cause a receding hairline.
Psoriasis: scalp psoriasis | Primary Care Dermatology ...
Plaque Psoriasis Scalp Home Remedy - Homemade Ftempo
Scalp psoriasis and hair loss - Psoriasis Self Management
(a) A 3-cm diameter patch of hair loss on the scalp. A ...
Psoriasis Groin Treatment - Psoriasis Hair Loss Treatment
Can Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss – Cure Psoriasis Naturally
Rejuveniqe oil and 48 hours later equals no psoriasis ...
Can scalp psoriasis cause hair loss?
Psoriasis and hair loss: Scalp psoriasis, symptoms, prevention
Hairloss could be due to various causes. Also, tar products can be effective, but they can stain fabric and gray hair. Every hair goes through a resting phase lasting about three months, and after the resting phase, it will fall out.